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Yes, Tai Chi does improve your health, but what brought it to fame was  combat. As far as health is concerned with combat is that the tai chi exponents will gain good health. Good enough health to put up a fight.

The tales of Yang Lu Chan easily defeating adversaries is what got him the position as an imperial martial arts instructor. All traditional Chinese martial arts have health benefits, after all the aim in martial arts for most is cultivating the mind. A healthy mind means a healthy body.

So, despite its martial history, why do most Tai Chi masters say that tai chi is just for health?

The reason is simple, to avoid having to prove its effectiveness. Especially if they are of a certain age, where they no longer need to prove anything to themselves about their capabilities. Not all expert exponents are like this of course. But for some, to avoid the drama that comes from showing someone what they can do with their skills is a much better route to take. Therefore, they will say, “I practice just for health”.

This is not just with Tai Chi, but martial arts in general. When you speak martial arts or self-defence methods, people usually want to know how effective it is. It is not the martial art “style” but the individual they are testing in asking this question. But a lot of people do not think to those depths.

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Also it is not a matter of  being scared. It is avoiding the whole disaster of proving those who ask if what you know is effective. People think if you show what is effective that most people will then kowtow. No in many cases, it becomes a clash of egos and those who lose face will then call friends or do something just to get a one up, on regaining whatever it is they thought they lost. Not everybody is true to themselves and kowtow and then learn.

Therefore, a lot of tai chi masters would rather say, “Tai chi is martial arts for health” it gives them peace of mind and they also would teach a few all that they know.