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What is fājìn 發勁? The SECRET Method To hand-to-hand Combat

“The lone wolf does not seek refuge, he is a refuge. He does not seek out the community. He is a community. Now melancholy might settle, and weakness may creep in….”Harmonious Fist

What is fājìn, 發勁? The SECRET Method To hand-to-hand Combat

There are many videos on the internet, of old Chinese masters effortlessly bouncing people around. From the moment they make contact.

To the untrained eye two things may happen, one they may look in disbelief or awe and think the master has something special. And the second thing that may happen is that the viewer will discredit the master’s ability and say its fake.

This capability of the master is summed up as fājìn.

What is fājìn?

In basic terms it is explosive power, or the release of explosive power. There is more to it but for fundamental understanding, we will keep it at that.

A phenomenal moment was Bruce Lee introducing the world to the “one inch punch,” maintaining a short distance before launching out his fist, the people watching were amazed.

From a physical point of view, your body should in be harmony. 

But the one thing rarely talked about is the mind. The intangible force behind everything. You will watch video’s talking about the biomechanics behind the “one inch punch,” but they do not talk about the mind that needs to take over as it connects with the body.

Just using physical structure will have an effect and will improve motion. However, the mind when added to the equation will look more amazing to the untrained eye.

The classics in Tai Chi speak of storing the jin (power) like pulling a bow and to fājìn or release power like shooting an arrow.

The feet co-ordinating with the hands. The knees with the elbows and the hips/waist with the shoulders. The deep fascia, tendons, ligaments must be flexible in order to be more effective.

The tendons are usually not tense in the beginning and may tense slightly at the end, say when a punch reaches it target or upon impact.

With the efficiency of movement whether the movement be short or long, there must not be extra movement. As this indicates a lack of alignment or harmony.

But the one thing rarely talked about is the mind. The intangible force behind everything. You will watch video’s talking about the biomechanics behind the “one inch punch,” but they do not talk about the mind that needs to take over as it connects with the body.

Just using physical structure will have an effect and will improve motion. However, the mind when added to the equation will look more amazing to the untrained eye.

The classics in Tai Chi speak of storing the jin (power) like pulling a bow and to fājìn or release power like shooting an arrow.