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Just like yoga practice and many practices from the East that have made their way to the West. They have become diluted to hot mess and making money has replaced authenticity to such a degree, the point of origin has become lost.

Even if Bruce Lee, in an interview spoke of Taiji Quan being for old people, that is not true. Also, even if you play the pacifist and only want to practice this formidable martial art for health. Eating bitter and the pains you receive like any workout does not vanish.

We live in a time where everything now must be “pain-free” even physical or mental training. Life and living will always be a struggle. And anything than that is not, is an illusion created by us. Outside of human society, suffering is worse and necessary in nature, for there to be balance. Whether are ideas and plentiful isms do not like it. You will encounter pain if your sinews are tight, there will be vasodilation and all these experiences will be beneficial. Vasodilation is good.

Ultimately the mind is what we cultivate and in training, we try to have the mind unite and lead the body. The greater the connectivity between the two, the better the Taiji Quan.

It is not unique to Taiji Quan but can be achieved with many other practices. This is also what makes taijiquan and effective martial art. With the mind in control, the power can then be manifested externally.

Learning to let go of tension, is a journey and a beneficial one, this is where our day to day stress is not obliterated, but instead balanced. We will always have a little bit of stress, but the practice will help us in not being overwhelmed. The other thing is finding a good teacher to guide you through, so that as you practice you do not go astray and with everyday practice, you get the beneficial insights into this wonderful way of combat and health.

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