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What is the DIFFERENCE between Tai Chi and Authentic Practice?

What is the difference between Tai Chi and authentic practice?

Out of the three popular internal martial arts from China, Tai Chi is seen more as a slow meditative exercise mostly in the West. And then there is Ba Gua Zhang, which shows its martial applications especially the Shuai Jiao applications.

And then there is Xing Yi Quan and Xin Yi Quan or Xin Yi Lui He Quan, which is seen as more martial.

The truth is, they are all martial arts, with roots in combat. Yang Lu Chan made his bones, beating up people in Beijing before he was hired as martial arts instructor by the elite in the imperial house.

The difference between most of the “Tai Chi” we see and authentic Tai Chi. Is that authentic Tai Chi is practiced less because it is mostly seen not as martial art.

Is there more to Tai Chi?

Of course, there is, there is more to everything in life.

However, its low level or one of it’s bottom levels is martial arts, which is but an extension of health. You may hate violence like most modern humans claim to hate it. But will occasionally find themselves in some form of confrontation in life.

The thing is self-defence is but an extension of health. The protection of your body is an ultimate expression of health. And I am not going to play politically correct, in action like all martial arts it must be able to destroy.

Authentic Tai Chi is arduous and like all things in life requires struggle, one may escape this with flowery words. But to be frank it is nonsense.

Here at our mission is to be a beacon of truth and although we may fall short as this is an impossible pursuit. We however can shed some light.

The great thing whether it be in the West or China. A lot of authentic practitioners of the art have been popping out throughout the internet.

And the greatest irony for those who do not quench the thirst of violence, authentic Tai Chi is more beneficial to your health than just moving slowly pretending to be a flower.

Written by Narcisse Sadi who is a Tudi (student) of Dr Jeff Lan.  He is a certified 1stDuan Health Qi Gong by the International Health Qigong Federation. And  a 1st Duan Yang Style (Cheng Man Ching lineage) Tai Chi Chuan Instructor, certified by Dr Jeff Lan.