Why martial arts can improve your quality of life? It will keep you healthy in mind and body. And that is why it can improve your quality of life. Especially in modern times, were there is supposedly less violence relative to the past.
According to the likes of Steven Pinker, the psychologist who wrote, “The Better Angels of Our Nature”. A book that argues that violence has decreased in comparison to the past of human history. Whether his right or wrong to some, does not really matter. We not currently living in the dark ages and people are relatively living longer. In the past, “quality of life” would mean having the mostly on the ability to survive or defend oneself. And simultaneously as then and now also refers to your health.
Being healthy allows one to live and pursue their goals, how can you do anything when you sickly? So even in our “relative peaceful times” martial arts are still useful. Because like in our ancient past and now it improves our health. In Traditional Chinese martial arts, the blending of health and improving ones fighting ability, are not opposites. They may appear so to the novice, who is only worried about health, or if they only worried about fighting.
Humans are built for struggle, like all other species. The comforts of human society have made us forget that. It is why some see people in our current times as mentally weak, compared to our humans of the past. Our instincts are genetically tailored towards survival, which is the underlying factor in how we go with our day to day lives.
Martial arts regardless of style, addresses all these factors or most of it. Our fight and flight response, which regardless of how less violent our society has become, is a driving factor in who we are. Just like any other species, the difference is being aware of this and understanding it, in order to move forward. This is where martial arts come in, as it is the tool that assists in the understanding and doing so improves our quality of life.
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